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Bonsai focus n 62

Bonsai focus n 62

bonsai focus N 62bonsai focus N 62bonsai focus N 62bonsai focus N 62bonsai focus N 62bonsai focus N 62bonsai focus N 62bonsai focus N 62bonsai focus N 62
ref. : 7210


Available quantity : 13



This magazine contains :
The fabulous garden of Shinji Suzuki in guided visit.
The congers of the asian pacific bonsai.
How to shorten the trunk of a pinus mugho.
Exceptional structure size on a yew of the japon.
Visit of the Mexican museum of the bonsai.
Guide of rempotages doesn't not have any deciduous trees.

#bonsai 4.6 #magazine 3.8 #focus 2.5 #visit 2.5 #exceptional 2.1 #rempotages 2 #deciduous 1.9 #structure 1.9 #contains 1.8 #fabulous 1.8

(( ROUND((CHAR_LENGTH(b.article_nom)-CHAR_LENGTH(REPLACE(b.article_nom, 'bonsai', '')))/LENGTH('bonsai')) + ROUND((CHAR_LENGTH(b.article_description)-CHAR_LENGTH(REPLACE(b.article_description, 'bonsai', '')))/LENGTH('bonsai')) ) * 4.6) + (( ROUND((CHAR_LENGTH(b.article_nom)-CHAR_LENGTH(REPLACE(b.article_nom, 'focus', '')))/LENGTH('focus')) + ROUND((CHAR_LENGTH(b.article_description)-CHAR_LENGTH(REPLACE(b.article_description, 'focus', '')))/LENGTH('focus')) ) * 2.5) + (( ROUND((CHAR_LENGTH(b.article_nom)-CHAR_LENGTH(REPLACE(b.article_nom, 'visit', '')))/LENGTH('visit')) + ROUND((CHAR_LENGTH(b.article_description)-CHAR_LENGTH(REPLACE(b.article_description, 'visit', '')))/LENGTH('visit')) ) * 2.5) + (( ROUND((CHAR_LENGTH(b.article_nom)-CHAR_LENGTH(REPLACE(b.article_nom, 'exceptional', '')))/LENGTH('exceptional')) + ROUND((CHAR_LENGTH(b.article_description)-CHAR_LENGTH(REPLACE(b.article_description, 'exceptional', '')))/LENGTH('exceptional')) ) * 2.1) + (( ROUND((CHAR_LENGTH(b.article_nom)-CHAR_LENGTH(REPLACE(b.article_nom, 'rempotages', '')))/LENGTH('rempotages')) + ROUND((CHAR_LENGTH(b.article_description)-CHAR_LENGTH(REPLACE(b.article_description, 'rempotages', '')))/LENGTH('rempotages')) ) * 2) + (( ROUND((CHAR_LENGTH(b.article_nom)-CHAR_LENGTH(REPLACE(b.article_nom, 'deciduous', '')))/LENGTH('deciduous')) + ROUND((CHAR_LENGTH(b.article_description)-CHAR_LENGTH(REPLACE(b.article_description, 'deciduous', '')))/LENGTH('deciduous')) ) * 1.9) + (( ROUND((CHAR_LENGTH(b.article_nom)-CHAR_LENGTH(REPLACE(b.article_nom, 'structure', '')))/LENGTH('structure')) + ROUND((CHAR_LENGTH(b.article_description)-CHAR_LENGTH(REPLACE(b.article_description, 'structure', '')))/LENGTH('structure')) ) * 1.9) + (( ROUND((CHAR_LENGTH(b.article_nom)-CHAR_LENGTH(REPLACE(b.article_nom, 'contains', '')))/LENGTH('contains')) + ROUND((CHAR_LENGTH(b.article_description)-CHAR_LENGTH(REPLACE(b.article_description, 'contains', '')))/LENGTH('contains')) ) * 1.8) + (( ROUND((CHAR_LENGTH(b.article_nom)-CHAR_LENGTH(REPLACE(b.article_nom, 'fabulous', '')))/LENGTH('fabulous')) + ROUND((CHAR_LENGTH(b.article_description)-CHAR_LENGTH(REPLACE(b.article_description, 'fabulous', '')))/LENGTH('fabulous')) ) * 1.8) + (( ROUND((CHAR_LENGTH(b.article_nom)-CHAR_LENGTH(REPLACE(b.article_nom, 'magazine', '')))/LENGTH('magazine')) + ROUND((CHAR_LENGTH(b.article_description)-CHAR_LENGTH(REPLACE(b.article_description, 'magazine', '')))/LENGTH('magazine')) ) * 1.8)
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