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Jin liquid


Jin liquidJin liquidJin liquidJin liquid
ref. : 4450


Available quantity : 25



Size 50 ml. Plastic bottle. Protect the deadwood of jin and shari with this solution. This treatment is supposed to be used in winter when deciduous plants are dormant and without buds or leaves. Wash the trunk to remove moss, lichens and snails at the end of November or the beginning of December, and again at the end of January or early February. Use jin liquid on wet wood and apply two coats with a brush, whilst protecting the living parts of the bonsai. After a few hours you’ll see a white colour appear. Take care to protect the earth and pot with newspaper when applying this liquid. Use outside and keep out of reach of children.

For deciduous trees use one part of the product for 10 product.

For conifers use one part of the product to 30 parts of water.

#liquid 4.6 #product 3.7 #shari 3.5 #with 3.4 #this 3.4 #deciduous 2.9 #protect 2.7 #parts 2.5 #tools 2.5 #part 2.4

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Guy Maillot