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Two pack: 1 vital plus, 1 indoor bonsai food

› Bonsai soil and fertiliser › Fertilizer

Two pack: 1 Vital Plus, 1 indoor bonsai food
ref. : 5243


Available quantity : 9



Bottle: 60ml. N.P.K: 22.18.20. Vital Plus is our bestselling multi-purpose fertiliser to revive all varieties of bonsai trees. Dosage:10 ml per 1 litre of fresh water. Apply every 10 days, especially during periods when your tree may be stressed such as when it's been repotted, lost roots or has dried out. 

60 ml bottle. N.P.K 10-10-10. Indoor bonsai will benefit from this liquid chemical fertiliser, which ensures strong, healthy growth and abundant flowers. Bonsai trees are planted in small pots with limited soil and therefore it's important to feed them regularly with nutrients. Dosage: 10 ml or 1 capful of fertiliser per 1 litre of fresh water. Use every 2 weeks.

#bonsai 4.6 #fertiliser 4 #indoor 3.6 #vital 3.5 #plus 3.4 #fertilizer 3 #bottle 2.6 #dosage 2.6 #every 2.5 #fresh 2.5

(( ROUND((CHAR_LENGTH(b.article_nom)-CHAR_LENGTH(REPLACE(b.article_nom, 'bonsai', '')))/LENGTH('bonsai')) + ROUND((CHAR_LENGTH(b.article_description)-CHAR_LENGTH(REPLACE(b.article_description, 'bonsai', '')))/LENGTH('bonsai')) ) * 4.6) + (( ROUND((CHAR_LENGTH(b.article_nom)-CHAR_LENGTH(REPLACE(b.article_nom, 'fertiliser', '')))/LENGTH('fertiliser')) + ROUND((CHAR_LENGTH(b.article_description)-CHAR_LENGTH(REPLACE(b.article_description, 'fertiliser', '')))/LENGTH('fertiliser')) ) * 4) + (( ROUND((CHAR_LENGTH(b.article_nom)-CHAR_LENGTH(REPLACE(b.article_nom, 'indoor', '')))/LENGTH('indoor')) + ROUND((CHAR_LENGTH(b.article_description)-CHAR_LENGTH(REPLACE(b.article_description, 'indoor', '')))/LENGTH('indoor')) ) * 3.6) + (( ROUND((CHAR_LENGTH(b.article_nom)-CHAR_LENGTH(REPLACE(b.article_nom, 'vital', '')))/LENGTH('vital')) + ROUND((CHAR_LENGTH(b.article_description)-CHAR_LENGTH(REPLACE(b.article_description, 'vital', '')))/LENGTH('vital')) ) * 3.5) + (( ROUND((CHAR_LENGTH(b.article_nom)-CHAR_LENGTH(REPLACE(b.article_nom, 'plus', '')))/LENGTH('plus')) + ROUND((CHAR_LENGTH(b.article_description)-CHAR_LENGTH(REPLACE(b.article_description, 'plus', '')))/LENGTH('plus')) ) * 3.4) + (( ROUND((CHAR_LENGTH(b.article_nom)-CHAR_LENGTH(REPLACE(b.article_nom, 'bottle', '')))/LENGTH('bottle')) + ROUND((CHAR_LENGTH(b.article_description)-CHAR_LENGTH(REPLACE(b.article_description, 'bottle', '')))/LENGTH('bottle')) ) * 2.6) + (( ROUND((CHAR_LENGTH(b.article_nom)-CHAR_LENGTH(REPLACE(b.article_nom, 'dosage', '')))/LENGTH('dosage')) + ROUND((CHAR_LENGTH(b.article_description)-CHAR_LENGTH(REPLACE(b.article_description, 'dosage', '')))/LENGTH('dosage')) ) * 2.6) + (( ROUND((CHAR_LENGTH(b.article_nom)-CHAR_LENGTH(REPLACE(b.article_nom, 'every', '')))/LENGTH('every')) + ROUND((CHAR_LENGTH(b.article_description)-CHAR_LENGTH(REPLACE(b.article_description, 'every', '')))/LENGTH('every')) ) * 2.5) + (( ROUND((CHAR_LENGTH(b.article_nom)-CHAR_LENGTH(REPLACE(b.article_nom, 'fresh', '')))/LENGTH('fresh')) + ROUND((CHAR_LENGTH(b.article_description)-CHAR_LENGTH(REPLACE(b.article_description, 'fresh', '')))/LENGTH('fresh')) ) * 2.5) + (( ROUND((CHAR_LENGTH(b.article_nom)-CHAR_LENGTH(REPLACE(b.article_nom, 'litre', '')))/LENGTH('litre')) + ROUND((CHAR_LENGTH(b.article_description)-CHAR_LENGTH(REPLACE(b.article_description, 'litre', '')))/LENGTH('litre')) ) * 2.5)
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