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Organic manure for fertilising maple bag 2.5 kilos

› Bonsai soil and fertiliser › Fertilizer

Organic manure for fertilising maple bag 2.5 kilosOrganic manure for fertilising maple bag 2.5 kilosOrganic manure for fertilising maple bag 2.5 kilosOrganic manure for fertilising maple bag 2.5 kilos
ref. : 11477


Available quantity : 10



Natural fertilizer composed of fowl, bovine and horses manure, with crushed horn to enrich your soil.
2,5 kilos bag. Used for years on our maples at the nursery. Composition : N-P-K : 1.5-2.5-2.25. You may put it on the soil in the beginning of spring, and the beginning of autumn, at the surface or in the soil. It is successfully used by profesionals. Dose for a 20 cm pot : 2 tablespoons every 120 days. If your plant is int the ground, you may put 2 to 6 handfuls every square meter according to the result you want to get. This dose may be more depending on the results you want to obtain. It is powder and is like garden soil, with much humus. Usually used outside. It is used to structure ground and is used as a nutritive reserve for the plants. There are many aerobic bacterium stumps that affect the transformation of the mineral elements, which enables it to be absorbed easier. It favors the rooting, increases the regrowth ease, and the natural defenses of the plants without any risk of burn.

#used 5.4 #soil 4.4 #fertilizer 4 #manure 3.6 #kilos 3.5 #fertilising 3.1 #beginning 2.9 #natural 2.7 #organic 2.7 #ground 2.6

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